Behind the Scenes: How Ariga Foods Makes Their Products
Quality is paramount when it comes to Superfoods. Ariga Foods is known for its adherence to quality and taste. There is always an air of doubt and uncertainty when it comes to food and processing. So let's give you a sneak peek at how we make your favorite snacks tastier and healthier at Ariga Foods.
All the Superfood offerings manufactured and developed in the Ariga processing facility undergo through series of carefully administered and supervised series of steps before they are ready to be shipped to the consumers.
Product Quality
The focus is on picking up the finest quality ingredients for all our products. All the nuts, fruits, and other ingredients like spices and herbs are directly sourced from the framers to ensure their quality. The products are inspected for their quality and the best ones are picked.
You will find that the products we deal with are of premium quality. Almonds and cashews picked are of the jumbo size and we also process them in strict adherence to ensure zero breakage. All the whole ingredients are used in the processing making the finest quality snacks.
Roasting and Processing
After the careful selection of premium quality nuts, the next step is roasting. The nuts are dual-roasted to make them crunchy and free from every kind of moisture content.
The Dual-Roasting process as followed by the brand ensures that the nuts are 100% moisture free. This means if you order a 100 gm Almond product from Ariga Foods, you will get the whole 100gm and not a percent less. A complete value for money for its consumers as the process increases the number of nuts like Almonds and Cashews per packet.
Fortifying with Flavors
Ariga Foods ensures that all the spices and herbs used for the processing are directly sourced from the farmers. The company focuses on delivering premium quality whole products that are free from any residue and breakage.
Unlike the other products, you won’t be finding any residue spices or broken products at the end of the packet which the consumers end up paying for. The brand also offers some exclusive products like the zero-oil and baked Oats munchies which have become the consumers’ delight. Apart from providing an array of lip-smacking flavors, you will also find an innovative range like Tandoori Almonds. Also, we make use of real onion flakes in our Cream And Onion flavor to make it extra delicious.
Packaging and Sorting
Ariga has a carefully crafted packaging process in place which has been developed after thorough research of customers’ demands. All the products are offered in airtight packaging in a food-grade reusable pet jar. This ensures the crunchiness of the products and also retains the flavors for a longer time. The company makes use of wad seals to prolong the freshness of the products. Efforts are made consciously so that the consumers get the whole products that are free from any breakage or residue.
Hassle-free Delivery
You can easily browse the offerings on the website www.ArigaFoods.com. The brand is known for running promotional offers for its loyal base of consumers. They are also available across leading marketplaces like Amazon and Flipkart. Indulge in a range of highly nutritive and scrumptious Snacking options from Ariga Foods.
Make the shift to healthier Snacking with a premium range of Dry fruits, Nuts, Seeds, Dried berries and fruits, crunchy Gr
About Us
Ariga Foods is the innovative Retail and B2B brand by Ariganic Food Pvt. Ltd. Our vision is to make Superfood convenient and tasty for every household around the world.