UIMT Online


The Universal Institute of Management & Technology, is an ISO 9001:2008 Certified autonomous and non profit making institute established in the year 2004. We are affiliated to the Universal Education Foundation Trust, duly registered Under the Societies registration act XXI of 1860 Govt. of Mohali, Punjab. Moreover accredited to Accreditation Service for Certifying Bodies (Europe) Shortly Known as ASCBCE. We started with one to two year Diplomas in various trades, management and IT. Our diplomas are widely accepted in India and abroad. Our programs are delivered in class and online as per the requirement of a specific program. Universal Institute of Distance Learning’s Certification is widely recognized and valid in over 140 nations worldwide. Please refer the certification page for more details. UIMT is also is dedicated for the cause of social and educational development and provides a wide range of courses into management, computer application & Engineering.

UIMT’s Unique professional effectiveness courses, combined with the support of professional coach, have been recognized by learning fortune 500 companies for repositioning TODAY’s PROFESSIONAL AS TOMORROW’s LEADERS.

UIMT conduct autonomous management programme (Diploma/Master Diploma) through Distance Learning Mode (correspondence courses). UIMT aims to provide quality education in basic/specialized/ advance areas of management including Marketing, Sales, Tourism, Pharmaceutical Marketing, Finance, Human Resource Development, Hospital Management, Management, Insurance Management etc. The courses are designed to develop business leaders by nurturing knoeledge, skills, attitudes & behaviour.

UIMT offers comprehensive autonomous correspondence programs to train a new generation of managers and entrepreneurs to face with confidence the fluid global challenges of national/international market and get them intellectually enriched.

In UIMT’s program you will study topics such as “NEGOTIATING FOR RESULT” and “LEADING TEAMS”. Its holiest endeavour is to equip aspiring students have a promising calling and provide innovative courses of higher learning to the careerist. UIMT courses have the recognition of corporate sector/industry. We invite all those who share our vision, mission and objective to join hands in hand in our effort to build. A new cadre of management professional, who will participate actively in a growth of this era of economics, liberalization and globalization. Come, Let us build a prospectus new world together. More options, Greater Support.



Supply of superfood in institute’s cafeteria for students and staff



Supply of Superfood products for Institute cafeteria



  • Multiple options of Healthy snacking from Flavoured Nuts and Seeds
  • Natural and Healthy products for Staff and students
  • Multiple packaging options



Multiple packs of 250g, 100g



Regular orders with choice of multiple variant options